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Dollz Tutorials: How to save your doll?

When your doll is finished, press PRINT SCREEN on your keyboard.

Open MS Paint and copy the doll (Ctrl - V) and you will see the whole screenshot.

Click on this button (selected tool)

and draw a square around your doll.

Copy (Ctrl - C) and paste (Ctrl - V) your doll in a new MS Paint file and save your doll as 24-bit bitmap.

To make the background transparent, take a different color and fill the whole background with the bucket and save it.

There are many possibilities to make the background transparent:

  • Open your favorite program for your images (PSP, Photoshop and others) and select the color of the background. It depends wich program you use to make the background transparent.

  • Import your picture in Frontpage and save it. Select the imagetools. Then select this button and click on the color you want to make transparent. If the picture isn't a gif, Frontpage asks to make a gif of your picture. Click yes. Save your image.

That's your final image.





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